Friday, August 1, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Past Few Months

These past few months have been, how shall we say it, interesting. I have had some interesting experiences beginning with going to California to see ms. Kimberly Lumm- where forever my view was changed of the definition of "hippie". I learned there that there is actually about 300 different types of milk that has absolutely nothing to do with a cow!!!! Actually, pretty much nothing there has anything to do with an animal of any kind... maybe just perhaps how you will save one by eating their food... who cares about saving animals??? hahaha. 
Since that wonderful trip my life has been crazy insane. School got entirely too busy, and I had alot of personal issues that had to be dealt with. 
Today I took two finals, that is four down, three more to go. To say the least, my life has been extremely busy just in the last couple of weeks. 
I bought this new computer, for which, I'm extremely thankful-plus I bought it tax-free so that's just wonderful. 
Well, I must be off to study some more. This has been an incredibly pointless post. 

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Time to catch up...

So, it is almost December now. This year has just flown by. It is drawing near to the end of this semester, and I'm looking forward to my trip to Chicago in December! My parents, Jamie, and I are going to the windy city for a week, we're going to try to see Phantom of the Opera (if stagehands aren't on strike) and we'll finish some Christmas shopping on the side. I'm ready for that nice rest and relaxation... We leave the day after my last final, great timing or what?

Today, my Spanish Professor told me I should register for honors Spanish next semester, wha???? Yeah, I know. I can't really find a reason as to why she would suggest that I do this... I do not believe I have shown any potential or skill in that language, but whatever...

I gave my last speech on Tuesday night, it went well. I used an example of Rip Van Winkle... it was a literary dream come true.

God was good to me to allow it to go well, I was sick and did not feel up to giving it... but my voice was strong, and didn't crack at all. I could breathe through my nose... all miracles. I prayed like there was no tomorrow for this speech. For some reason it was extremely important to me to do well on this speech, and I did. I made eye contact with people, and I could remember all of my points and all of that. This class was a large burden to me. I thought, what a great opportunity to share the gospel somehow... Speaking in front of people is nottttttt my specialty or even something I enjoy at all, but if God was going to put me there, I figured I should share what he has given me. Though I could not share the Lord in every speech that I gave, I tried (with God's help) to share things that he had given me. Sometimes it was hard, I got some criticism at times, but the Lord was good to me (correction: Is good to me) He brought me through this class, I believe, without a stain. Now just for the final... whhoooooooooo I need to study.

Next week my intense studying will begin, I am not looking forward to it. Spanish is the most important class to study for. I need to bring my grade up.

So may my desire for the Lord to use me somehow be fulfilled today.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

History, Spanish, and Lady Grey

So here I am, sipping my lady gray and trying to get finished with my spanish homework. Sometimes I wish life would slow down, but then I look at the last couple of years, and realize that it will never slow down. "We stop, we die"

I have my history mid-term in the morning. I think I am ready, but that scares me. I'm praying that the studying that I have done will cause me to be ready for this exam. I'm doing pretty well in this class, so I think that I will be okay if I don't get a perfect score on this exam.

Our life is about truth, not emotions or feelings. We praise God, not because we are feeling particularly thankful at the moment, but because the truth is that He deserves to be praised, so we praise Him.

I have found such a freedom in Christ in the last few days. I have lived my life in guilt over every little thing, and I have always felt that I had to be "fixed" before I could serve the Lord. However, He desires us to come to Him NOW, just as we are.

"Abide in Christ" is a good book, it's a good command as well.

I don't have to work tomorrow, this makes me happy. The reason I don't work tomorrow is because I have an advising appointment. I am taking Poetry Writing next semester, I'm pretty thrilled about that. I am also taking British Lit, Earth Science, and a couple of other classes.

God is good!!!!

I miss my dear friend Kimberly.

We shall see where things go from here...


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I am encouraged

I had a Spanish exam this morning, it went well, I believe. The good thing about it was that I got out of school at 8:45 this morning, so I've been doing homework since then. I was a little worried about this exam because I got interrupted during my studying last night and I couldn't quite get back into the "groove" of studying again... But I was finished quite rapidly and back at home soon.

This morning, I was encouraged by some words that the Lord gave me (in the form of a prayer) the words are as follows:

Lord, give me the wisdom to know
that Your ability to work in my life
is not limited by my past
or by what others think of me
Your power is not limited by my weaknesses
but it is even perfected in them.
Lord, give me the strength
To not throw in the towel
To get out of the bed
To put my hand on the tasks you've given me
and to come through it all without a stain.

I typed it out and put it in my car, I'm praying that it will help. I have been getting down lately when I am misunderstood, or when people think little of me. But the Lord has shown me that I cannot allow my joy to be stolen away so easily. I will fight for that joy.

So, I have been lonely as of late (mostly because my best friend moved away) but the Lord has recently given me another friend in the last week which encourages me. I think the Lord will use this.

I guess I should go to study some more...
God is good!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cool weather, cook-outs, and leaves...

It is fall. I love it. The weather has been so good the last few days, in the mornings you can almost see your breath.

When I begin giving my life away, I find that my days are much more full. I can lie down at night, sigh, and know that the day was not wasted.

Today, Jamie and I took Eli to Shelby Farms and threw a football. The point of it all was mostly to get him tired enough to take a nap, so Jamie and I would throw the football back and forth and let him run to tackle us.

He went around the picnic tables pointing out all of the bird poop... saying "here's a poop, and there's another poop..." adorable, but nasty nonetheless.

We had fun today, I studied a little spanish, and drank some coffee.. mmmmmmmm I love me some coffee.

The Lord is great to give us this good weather, now I'm going to enjoy it by going to a cook-out at the Brothers' house for some fellowship and fun.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

I am not good at blogs

I am terrible at posting things, but I'll give it a try...

My life is pretty interesting at the moment, I'm trying to reduce drama, and move on with the Lord with peace.

Starting tomorrow at 11:15 I have fall break, which mostly means sleep and homework, but at least I don't have to go to class, right?

The sad thing about going to school is that all of my professors schedule the mid-terms for after fall break, that way I must study all break long...sigh.
This is the first semester that I have felt that I have really done what I can to be a responsible student, from making flashcards, to studying in the morning... dang, jessie has gone crazy, you might think to yourself.

I'm incredibly tired. I think I may go to sleep. I miss my bestest friends, Kimberly and Joy. Joy is coming home next week, however I must endure longer for Kimberly. Hopefully sometime around Christmas Kimberly could come home? One can only hope and pray.

I love all of my friends, God has been so good to me!!!